Gravitas for Women

Empower your female talent

Creating a diverse and inclusive culture of belonging is critical to the success of any forward-thinking organisation. It can even be a dealbreaker when it comes to attracting and retaining the right talent.

Level the playing field

Building executive gravitas can be a challenge for women due to societal and cultural expectations (the classic ‘glass ceiling’). This is combined with psychological blockers that many women experience, such as imposter syndrome, confidence issues and prioritising likability over respect (what we call ‘glass bricks’).

The good news is that anyone can tap into their authentic gravitas and power up their potential – when they know how.

Audience listening to Antoinette Dale Henderson delivering a masterclass worksop on leading with gravitas

Exclusive programmes to accelerate the potential of your female leaders

Antoinette Dale Henderson designed our women’s leadership development course in response to the demand for a programme that accelerates high-potential women to senior positions and addresses the real challenges they face as they progress up the career ladder.

Women who come on the programme have a unique experience which profoundly increases their assertiveness, executive presence and impact.

Organisations that invest in this programme see increased engagement and retention of their female talent, stronger, more resilient leadership, greater gender diversity at all levels, a more inclusive pipeline and an enhanced corporate reputation.


Find out what attendees say

An immersive and exclusive opportunity for female leaders

Our Gravitas for Women programme comprises a modular course and executive coaching and incorporates models and tools from Antoinette’s two books: Leading with Gravitas and the award-winning Power Up: The Smart Woman’s Guide to Unleashing Her Potential.

Unleash your potential

Outcomes are profound
and transformational

Women who come on this course gain fresh insight and personalised feedback on how to convey their message powerfully and authentically, either face to face, in the boardroom, on stage live or online virtually.

Gain clarity on your goals and career progression strategy
Articulate your vision with conviction and authority
Increase visibility as a leader in your field
Develop a compelling voice that gets heard over others
Build a magnetic presence and stand out from the crowd
Make changes to body language for greater influence
Develop a confident mindset and build EQ
Override age/experience biases
Define and build your authentic leadership brand
Practice simple presentation structures
Apply a strategic approach to networking

Upcoming events
available to book now

As well as our corporate programmes, we offer ‘open’ courses and events, providing an exclusive opportunity to gain fresh insights and inspiration.

Gravitas Masterclass

Are you a leader, manager or business owner looking for lasting influence & impact?

Fri, 20th Sep 2024
9:30 - 17:00 BST
ETC Venue, Marble Arch, London

Gravitas For Women

Are you a woman in leadership looking to increase your visibility and accelerate your progression?

10th & 11th Oct 2024
17:00 BST
ETC Venue, Marble Arch, London

Gravitas Masterclass

Are you a leader, manager or business owner looking for lasting influence & impact?

Fri, 7th Mar 2025
9:30 - 17:00 BST
ETC Venue, Marble Arch, London

Get in touch

Let's accelerate your success

We would love to help you accelerate your leadership potential, whether for your organisation your team or yourself!

Talk to us about your vision and business objectives. We’ll work with you to create a bespoke solution which leaves a lasting impact on your organisation, people and culture.

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